Congreso argentino ORL - Curso de cirugía otológica endomeatal

Congreso argentino ORL – Curso de cirugía otológica endomeatal


Fuente: Ministerio de Salud Pública.14 DE AGOSTO DE 2014 .


Periódico tiempo de San Juan.

XXXIII Congreso Argentino – San JuanDR. VÍCTOR SLAVUTSKY


En el marco del XXXIII Congreso Argentino de Otorrinolaringología que se realiza en la ciudad desde el 13 al 16 de agosto, llegó el  Dr. Víctor Slavutsky, un sanjuanino que está radicado en España desde hace 40 años, es un destacado médico internacional especialista en ORL formado en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona y médico adjunto del servicio de ORL del Hospital San Camilo de Barcelona.

En su visita a San Juan realizó dos cirugías en el Hospital Dr. Guillermo Rawson a dos pacientes que tenían una deficiencia auditiva a los cuales se les restauró esa función. Dichas intervenciones emplearon una técnica diferente y poco habitual porque se operó a través de orificios naturales, con lo cual la cirugía es mucho más simple y el paciente recibe menos agresión quirúrgica.

13th International Conference on Cochlear Implants, Munich, Germany

13th International Conference on Cochlear Implants – Munich 2014

13th International Conference on Cochlear Implants – Munich 2014

Dr. Victor Slavutsky was invited to the «13th International Conference on Cochlear Implants».

Faculty member of «Endoscopic cochlear implantation». Conference about «Cochlear implant surgery through natural orifices».

Video-surgery session: «Endomeatal approach (EMA) partially ossified cochlea».

13th International Conference on Cochlear Implants

Endomeatal approach (EMA) partially ossified cochlea

Introduction: Cochlear ossification is a challenge for CI surgery, due to the difficulty of electrode array insertion. Surgery through anatomical natural orifices (external auditory canal and round window) avoids facial nerve (FN) and internal carotid artery (ICA) risks

Objective: The objective of this original technique: endomeatal double cochleostomy with standard electrode array is to approach in a safe manner ossified cochleas, where usual anatomical landmarks are unclear.

Material and method: Technique was developed in temporal bone Lab and then applied in 4 patients. EMA allows access to all the turns of the cochlea from base to apex. The advantage lies mainly in that the middle and inner ear access is addressed in front of the posterior wall instead of coming behind it, overcoming those limitations. This technique allows to start drilling in an endomeatal manner the basal cochlear turn from the round window until the cochlear lumen is reached, (4,5mm +/–). Second cochleostomy is performed in the middle turn, which controls the correct positioning of electrode array, during insertion, and if it is not possible a reverse insertion from middle turn cochleostomy to basal turn direction, can be attempted. The video case presented is a partial cochlear ossification, with vestibular scale fibrosis post stapedectomy and partial ossification of the scale tympani by otoespongiosis, confirmed by CT and MRI.

Results: Functional outcome of patients with partial ossification is correct, and the implant has proven its stability over time, with a higher evolutionary track than five years. No healing or extrusion problems.

Discussion: EMA is a technique of choice in cases where other approaches, due to the anatomical characteristics are not feasible and allows the CI without risk to the facial nerve, and internal carotid artery.

Learning outcome: Surgical techniques must be simplified. Cochlear implant surgery through natural anatomical orifices gives the chance to positionate de electrode array in a safer manner, although further experience is required.